
Ongoing monitoring of the safety of GM crops in Australia

In Australia, farmers can only grow a genetically modified (GM) crop if the crop has been approved by the Gene Technology Regulator (the Regulator). You can read about all commercial GM crops that are authorised in Australia in the GMO Record.


Ongoing monitoring of the safety of GM crops in Australia

In Australia, farmers can only grow a genetically modified (GM) crop if the crop has been approved by the Gene Technology Regulator (the Regulator). You can read about all commercial GM crops that are authorised in Australia in the GMO Record.

Publication type:
Fact sheet
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When a company applies for a licence for a commercial GM crop, the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) conducts a thorough, sciencebased risk analysis.

The OGTR also seeks advice from experts, government agencies, and the public. The Regulator only approves a commercial GM crop if the risk analysis finds that the GM crop is safe for people and the environment.