Dealings involving intentional release

Details on the applications and licences for Dealings involving an intentional release (DIR) of a GMO into the environment.

Dealings involving an Intentional Release (DIR) of GMOs into the environment are dealings with GMOs which can take place outside of containment facilities.

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Dealings involving an Intentional Release (DIR) of GMOs into the environment are dealings with GMOs which can take place outside of containment facilities.

3 results
Licence number Project title Organisation Category Release Issue date Licence status

Clinical trial with a genetically modified human adenovirus COVID-19 vaccine

Avance Clinical Pty Ltd

Medical Limited and controlled Current

Commercial supply of a genetically modified COVID-19 vaccine

Janssen-Cilag Pty Ltd

Medical Commercial Surrendered

Commercial supply of a genetically modified COVID-19 vaccine

AstraZeneca Pty Ltd

Medical Commercial Surrendered