Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

We protect the health and safety of people and the environment from risks posed by gene technology

Assessment of GM mosquito application

There has been extensive interest in the application for the commercial release of GM mosquitos which is being taken into consideration in the risk assessment. The public consultation period is now expected to commence in May 2025.

The following infographics explain the regulatory pathways and the OGTR timelines for this   assessment, including where there are opportunities for public submissions. More info is available at DIR 207.

The OGTR Online Services Portal 

The NLRD reporting service and certified facilities service are available in the Portal. Please refer to the log in button at the top of the screen for access to the portal. More information is available on our using the online services portal page.

mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are not gene therapies

Misinformation has been circulating regarding mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and gene therapy.  The following statement addresses this misinformation.


Subscribe to updates about the regulation of gene technology

Get notified about applications to release a GMO into the environment, when an application is open for comment and when changes are made to Australia's gene technology legislation.



OGTR Newsletter Issue 11

This issue focusses on the IBC Forum and various consultations happening across the OGTR.


Operations of the Gene Technology Regulator Annual Report 2023-24

The report describes the roles and responsibilities of the Gene Technology Regulator (the Regulator) and the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) during 2023-24.