The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.


Freedom of information disclosure log

This log lists information released by the Gene Technology Regulator under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 that is available for public access.

34 results
FOI number FOI release date Information requested

Annual and other reports lodged by the licensees, in fulfillment of conditions in the licences DIR020 and DIR021 for release of commercial genetically manipulated canola.

Reports in fulfillment of any licences and their requirements for commercial GM canola that may have superceded DIR020 and DIR021, including replacement licences or licence variations.


Copies of advice received from, correspondence with, or notes of conversations with Professor Peter Langridge, formal and informal, whether solicited or volunteered on the following approvals (or comments he provided on submissions by others on these approvals):

  • DIR093
  • DIR099
  • DIR112
  • DIR117

Any responses provided to OGTR from CSIRO to the Centre for Integrated Research reports on testing for potential adverse effects of dsRNA molecules in DIR093 and DIR112.


Documents relating to research into the Health effects (beneficial or otherwise) of genetically modified wheat products. No documents older than 5 years need be included. No Public documents need to be included.


Any applications for certification of a facility or private farm under section 83 of the Gene Technology Act in the Shire of Corrigin, WA, Shire of Merredin, WA, and Redland City, QLD.

Documents should be from 2004 to the present.

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